Welcome to the -db- clan website.
Established January of 2004, Diverging from the Believable is a polyglot Halo: Combat Evolved & Halo Custom Edition racing clan. In saying that, we also dabble in other gametypes, and our servers aptly reflect a marked penchant for variety.
As a family, we strive to maintain a laid-back environment, where anyone can feel welcome--one of our main founding pillars. Fittingly, we avoid drama, where possible, and always do our best to mitigate the inevitable tension, likely to surface in any competitive setting.
Our membership is quite active, and we're always looking for interesting characters to join the fray, as a guest or recruitment hopeful.
We use Ventrilo (voice server client) when we play, which offers a huge tactical advantage and makes for a lot of laughs. If you're new to things, getting immediate clarification there will be of huge value (vs. our forum). Whilst highly recommended, this is not a mandatory requirement.
We currently use Steam (social gaming platform) for real-time communication, serving alongside our forums, as an organizational aid.
We all used to primarily play other gametypes, before discovering race. Despite sometimes turbulent beginnings, as one acclimates to the rules, important for the flow of things, if given the chance, you'll find that the race objective provides a wonderful new dimension, with the camaraderie of teaming up along the way, all adding to what can only be described as a symphony of carnage.

-db- Roster
-db- Members: 17
-db- Leader goNe -db- Members Buffy CoPe Vinci Beatle ERAZOR Deadly1 Hermes Mike Ozzie Brikie SHOOTST FuzChip Vast0 MySalsa Sandoz Valky
-db- Inactives: 4
Duckles D!rtyH lilDude Trucka
Hall of Fame: 11
Divath Bobby DoctorX BaRaKei Joshua Neo oZmo MsChief HaZxMaT itaPunk KhazarZola
=db= Recruits: 0
Be sure to have read the rules in advance of visiting one of our servers. The rules can be viewed by clicking on the 'Rules' button, off to your left. If you have any questions or uncertainties about a particular rule, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification on our forums.
Halo: Combat Evolved
((Races 4 Ages))
Halo: Combat Evolved
Ventrilo Hostname:
Port #: 4574
Password: champagne
Halo Custom Edition
((Race 8eyond))
Halo Custom Edition
-db- Race Server Rules

- No swearing (cussing), name-calling or otherwise foul language (profanity)
- No offensive player names
- No racial/homophobic slurs *punishable with an instant ban*
- No arguing with admins. or other guests in our servers
NOTE:Take any comments you may have, regarding an occurrence in-game, to our forums.
- Do not bad-mouth anyONE or any CLAN
- No camping (Camping is here defined as controlling any one point/area of the map, by staying one place and attacking any by-passers)
- No 'HOG-camping ('HOG-camping is here defined as occupying/firing from the gun-turret of a warthog vehicle withOUT a driver; disallowed on -db- race servers, with exception for instances where you and another team-mate are approaching a 'hog, and you man the gun-turret JUST before your driver joins you… and ONLY when he/she joins you are you permitted to fire)
NOTE:When you (re)spawn, make an HONEST effort to get in a driver's seat, where practical; remember: most everyone likes to gun, so it's unfair for you to expect to always be driven around. It's generally encouraged that you avoid first manning the gun-turret, unless there's already someone in the driver's seat, as it may happen that your intentions are misconstrued by our admins… at which point disciplinary action may follow. Furthermore, you may fire immediately when your driver joins you in a 'hog, assuming that he/she will drive off right away. Should you remain stationary, however, DON'T FIRE unless you can see that your driver is waiting on a NEARBY team-mate to get in the passenger seat… at which point you may DEFEND the process of teaming up, as from any enemy of whom is posing a threat.
- No spawn-camping (Spawn-camping is defined here as hanging around [on-foot]/circling [in-vehicle] a known spawn area and attacking/killing players who appear there, when re-spawning)
- No map-walking (Map-walking is here defined as walking the map, in spite of there being a vehicle available [at the base] within your vicinity)
NOTE:If there are no vehicles at the base nearest you or within close proximity, continue on-foot to your next nav. point, until you're picked up or you otherwise 'hog-jack a by-passer. Whilst you never HAVE to accept a passenger seat, should you DECIDE to, and, in so doing, pass up other available 'hogs, you're not, then, permitted to, later, jump out to 'hog-jack, at random; instead, you're to remain in the passenger seat until slain, an opportunity to team-up as a gunner presents itself, or you otherwise come upon a vacant 'hog.
- No chasing kills (Chase-killing is here defined as going out of your way to slay someone, whilst on-foot or in-vehicle)
NOTE:Your first priority should be to RACE, continuing on to your next nav. point, at all times. If you notice your driver chasing kills, you're just as responsible if you're actively gunning for him/her… so, DON'T FIRE. This also means you should wait a few moments before you resume/begin actively gunning, if you think your driver was, indeed, chasing… allowing the enemy/victim a chance to find a safe distance from you, again; if possible, report your driver's actions to an admin. When taking evasive action, avoid spinning more than ONCE, opting, instead, to veer off in an unexpected path, that somewhat keeps you headed towards your navs. or combining that with a single pirouette, of sorts (no doubling back the way you came, to avoid danger, unless it's on your way, you're driving alone or looking to team up).
- No playing slayer (Slayer-play is here defined as attacking, whilst on-foot, when there are vehicles enough for all or attacking OTHERS on-foot, when there aren't any vehicles nearby)
NOTE:If you're on-foot, don't attack OTHERS on-foot, unless it is in fighting for a SINGLE remaining vehicle. In EVERY other circumstance of being on foot, you should be focusing all efforts toward continuing on to your next nav. point. 'Hog-jacking is only permitted when there are NO OTHER 'HOGS available at the base nearest you, or upon encountering an enemy 'hog, if there were none available when you left said base (always check [again], when you spawn). Whilst on-foot, DON'T 'nade or otherwise attack, when your vehicle is overturned or at map start (again, unless there's ONLY ONE vehicle remaining; i.e. when you're being forcefully 'hog-jacked by an enemy, in which case you may certainly DEFEND yourself). NEVER leave your vehicle to attack/kill another player, unless stuck with a plasma grenade, or upon being attacked to within an inch of your life, by a 'hog-jacker (last resort).
- Never attack team-mates
- Team up with other players, whenever applicable; TWO per 'hog, or THREE, if vehicles are limited in supply
NOTE:It's better for your TEAM (as a whole) to win, as opposed to just YOU getting first place (and your team losing, overall).
- No team-ramming (Team-ramming is in reference to the act of [when driving] bumping/slamming into other team-mates of whom are on-foot or in-vehicle)
NOTE:Use common sense when driving, as you would in any other aspect of life. Try to always pull to the right, if approaching another team-mate in a vehicle, unless they pull left before you notice them… in which case you should also pull left, following suit.
- Don't go A.F.K. (away from keyboard) in a full server for longer than is reasonable (minute or two, at the most)
NOTE:If you must go A.F.K., alert your team and avoid taking up positions of importance (i.e. gunner/driver of a 'hog). Rather, get in a passenger seat and express your intended absence to your driver. To turn off/on (re)spawning, use the following command: /afk
- No stealing seats (Seat-stealing is the act of taking a team-mate's seat, without their consent; commonly occurs when a vehicle is overturned, or if someone gets out to grab a health pack/power-up/etc.—disallowed on -db- race servers, with exception for cases where you're in IMMEDIATE danger of an approaching/nearby enemy)
NOTE:If someone is hiding from danger, whether using their 'hog to shield themselves or somewhere else in the immediate vicinity, DON'T take their 'hog (same team or not)… unless you've no other 'hog at your disposal (wait for your team-mate, where applicable).Have fun!!
Donations for 'Diverging from the Believable'

Although we regularly visit the game/voice servers of other clans, we do enjoy having our own. This, of course, incurs a bit of a monetary strain… and we've yet to reap anything from those pennies, planted last spring. Thus, we would welcome a donation of any amount… be it 5 USD or more, we will be very grateful. Our monthly costs are $33.43, for our website, game and voice servers. Ask about becoming an Auxiliary Admin. (tagless server administrator), for your generosity.